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How To Get Rid Of Bugs & Beetles

how to get rid of beetles | Ace Pest Protection

Bug & Beetle Pest Control Facts And Information

How To Identify & Control Beetles

Beetle Facts

  • Scientific name: Coleoptera
  • Appearance: Two sets of wings with the front pair hardened into wing covers, elytra, setting them apart from most other bugs or insects.

Beetle Behavior

Beetles are insects and are found worldwide, all having six legs and two antennae, and come in thousands of colors and varieties. They are the most common type of insects in the world with over 350,000 different species, with many more yet to be discovered.

Beetles develop through four stages of growth called Complete Metamorphosis including, egg, larva (grub), pupa (chrysalis) and then finally adults. Beetles eat a variety of foods, mostly plant parts, leaves, seeds or fruit and wood. Some even eat fungus and dung.

How Do I Get Rid of Beetles?

What Can You Do?

Beetles frequently become occasional invaders of homes and other buildings. The best techniques to help prevent problems include habitat reduction and sealing entryways to help keep beetles and other bugs from gaining access to the interior of homes or buildings.

What does ACE do?

What to Expect From Ace Pest Protection’s Bug Pest Control?

Bugs can multiply quickly, so early detection is critical to help prevent an even larger infestation. Our integrated pest protection process works to audit your home, diagnose problems & implement solutions, and monitor & track any beetle other bug pest control problems you may face.

Ace Pest Protection’s bug exterminators never stop learning from pests. We use the latest technology and unparalleled training, so we can protect your home with an effective plan suited to your specific needs.