“Ace Pest Protection’s Roach Exterminators Will Give You Peace Of Mind & Freedom From Pests!"
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How To Get Rid Of Roaches

How to get rid of roaches

Cockroach Control Facts And Information

How To Identify & Control Cockroaches



What do cockroaches look like?

They have six spiny legs and two long antennae. Some species have wings however most winged cockroaches are not particularly adept at flying.

Roach Behavior

There are nearly 70 different cockroach species found in the United States. Some species invade human dwellings and are considered pests. Below are the species most commonly found to infest your home.

Cockroaches, also known as roaches, are generally medium to large sized insects. The pest cockroaches can spread various diseases because they are commonly found near waste deposits or in the kitchen, where food is present. Others species of cockroaches are beneficial to the environment as important recyclers of decaying organic material, dead or dying plants and animals.

How To Get Rid of Roaches?

What does ACE do?

Your ACE technician is trained to help manage roaches and similar pests. Since every building or home is different, your pest control specialist will design a unique program for your situation.

Keeping roaches out of homes and buildings is an ongoing process, not a one-time treatment. Ace Pest Protection’s exclusive 17-Step process places layers of pest protection against roaches. 

Ace Pest Protection can provide the right solution to keep roaches in their place and out of your home.


how to get rid of roaches

  • Roaches love to be in dark, warm areas - that's why your home or building is so attractive to them. They want to be warm, have lots of places to hide and want to be close to food and water.They can nest about anywhere in and around your home or business; in lawns, walls, stumps, even under foundations.

  • Some cockroaches can live for up to a month without food and for two weeks without water - there have even been cases where a cockroach without a head lived for a week.

  • A cockroach is omnivorous - that means they will eat almost anything, but they have a preference for sweets, meat, and starches. However, you can also find them eating leather or books on the shelf. If an infestation has gotten so bad that their food supply is low, cockroaches have even been known to bite humans.