“Ace Pest Protection’s Cricket Exterminators Will Give You Peace Of Mind & Freedom From Pests!"
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How To Get Rid Of Crickets

How to get rid of crickets

Cricket Pest Control Facts And Information

How To Identify & Control Crickets


Cricket Facts

  • Most Common Species: Gryllus species and Acheta domesticus
  • Name: House crickets have earned the nickname“Cricket on the Hearth”
  • Size: 9/16 to just over an inch
  • Color: Shiny black
  • Appearance: Instantly recognizable by their song, crickets have leathery wings and long antennae 

Cricket Social Behavior

Crickets are an occasional home invader and common denizen of the landscape. Crickets are commonly encountered in yards, basements and barns. Eggs hatch in late spring or early summer – those nymphs grow into adults in about 45 days. The males of these newly adult crickets will begin singing to attract females at this time and continue throughout the summer.

Cricket Health Concerns

There are no serious health concerns raised by a cricket infestation. Since these insects rarely appear indoors in groups, any hazard they may present is easily negated by their very small numbers. Most people are simply annoyed by their presence or confuse crickets for cockroaches on first glance.

Cricket Infestations

Although they rarely cause problems when they wander indoors, crickets can be a problem if they have emerged in your basement or garage. The racket these jumping insects create is enough to drive even the most grounded person out of their gourds. Only house crickets can consistently reproduce indoors, but even field crickets may wander inside seeking water, food or shelter. Crickets will eat nearly anything, including decaying materials, fungus, seedlings and other crickets.

How to Get Rid of Crickets

Homeowners often try to use pesticides to eliminate indoor crickets, but these hardy insects don't respond well to this treatment. However, sticky boards placed strategically behind refrigerators and near sources of water will trap crickets safely. You can also simply crush any crickets you find or throw them outdoors.

If crickets are a perennial problem for you, it's a good idea to look around your home for cracks and crevices that they may be using for entry points. Seal cracks, repair window screens and ensure that your crawlspace door fits tightly to keep crickets outdoors where they belong. Trimming up bushes near the house and moving trash cans, wood piles and other hiding spots away from doors can help eliminate the cricket menace.

If crickets have been making your home life unpleasant, don’t hesitate to click the button below to discover what Ace Pest Protection’s cricket exterminators will do for you.