“Ace Pest Protection’s Millipede Exterminators Will Give You Peace Of Mind & Freedom From Pests!"
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How To Get Rid Of Millipedes

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Millipede Pest Control Facts And Information

How To Identify & Control Millipedes


Millipede Facts

  • Size: The millipede can vary in size, ranging from a fraction of an inch to several inches long

Millipede Behavior

Millipedes are a group of arthropods that are characterized by having two pairs of jointed legs on each segment and they can have multiple body segments. Although the name “Millipede” is derived from the Latin word for “thousand feet,” no known species has 1,000 legs; the record of 750 legs belongs to the species Illacme plenipes. There are approximately 12,000 named species of millipedes around the world.

Millipede Infestations

Not liking hot/dry temperatures or excessive moisture, millipedes may also find refuge inside through small openings in windows and doors, or possible cracks in walls. Outdoors, millipedes are attracted to moist vegetation and leaf litter. In order to prevent an infestation, it's best to remove piles of leaves and any other buildup of plant materials.

Do Millipedes Bite?

Millipedes do not bite nor are they known to carry diseases. Some species do have defensive secretions to ward off predators, but these secretions are mostly harmless to humans.

How to Get Rid of Millipedes

To prevent infestation, keep mulch less the 2 inches thick and remove any decaying vegetation and leaf litter from outside of your home. Seal exterior cracks. In the event of a millipede infestation, it will need to be treated directly by a pest control professional. Although you can reduce their presence, it may be impossible to eliminate them.

If millipedes have been making your home life unpleasant, don’t hesitate to click the button below to discover what Ace Pest Protection’s millipede exterminators will do for you.